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Interested in a Demo or Want to let us analyze your audio data

Arche AI’s modeling is focused on enhancing the measurement of credibility under a variety of circumstances. We have scraped publicly available data in various industries including shareholder meetings, political hearings, trial testimonials and many more to verify our model. We transform and analyze the audio using our core model to understand their speaking styles, conversational convergence, psychosomatic traits, and general credibility to enable informed decisions based upon unbiased ground truth.


(210) 528-1751

For Demos/Contact Us

Do you have general or media questions, or want to request a demonstration contact us by phone or email.

Phone Number

(210) 528-1751
Contact Archie-AI

ARCHE AI was founded, in 2022, as a SaaS Deep Learning (DL) Company that believes that Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence processes that are co-developed with input from more informed feature spaces outperform DL/AI solutions developed with a broader input feature space.

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(210) 528-1751