
Our Solutions

Deploy your own behavioral analytics solution with our pre-trained Arche AI platform. Our platform has been rigorously trained against enormous datasets, allowing for highly accurate, scalable, near real-time results. Arche AI comes with both a Web interface and a plug-and-play API to quickly integrate with existing unique applications and workflows.

Arche AI helps to understand human behavior and assist in making informed and effective decisions. Historically an assessment of the ground truth is a cumbersome, often invasive, time-consuming effort. Furthermore it requires an expertise shrouded in mystique and deep training. Arche AI eases and eliminates aspects of that mystique, which are prone to bias and misuse through changing to an automated, standardized and self-curating approach.

Enhance Perception Understanding

Improve communications and control messaging though enhanced understanding of how other will analyze and interpret your training or speech.

Reducing Operational Risk

Empowering top leadership, management and even the general workforce with real-time non-intrusive expedited credibility assessments

Identifying Insider Threats

Detects early indications of employee deception and malfeasance which are the foundation from which insider threats flow out of.

Quantifying Dis / Misinformation

Uncovers false narratives by detecting and rating disputed information based upon a deep learning analysis of audio.

Enhanced Perception Understanding and Perception of Deception (PoD)

The ability to understand the perception of how others, outside of ourselves, interpret what we are saying has a wide range of impact on events, circumstances, and the behavior of others. Within that realm the perception of potential deceptive intent of actions is a crucial element. It is well known that people are generally not good at detecting deception, but they are equally bad at identifying truth and can develop false feelings of deception in any given situation.

Arche AI can automatically recognize such perceived deception using cues from our modeling and provide advanced preemptive insights to allow prepared communications and messages to be evaluated for how they will be perceived in terms of their veracity. This allows elements to be rewritten to improve the overall persuasiveness of the point and improve overall communications and operations across, or outside of, an organization. This avoids the costly mistakes and negative human responses that occur when the messages are misinterpreted as deceitful, improving the bottom-line efficiency without costly change management efforts.

Ref: New York Times, Floyd Norris (Feb 21. 2006). RradioShack Chief Resigns After Lying

Reducing Operational Risk

Arche AI empowers top leadership, management and even the general workforce with real-time non-intrusive expedited credibility assessments.

Arche AI’s near-real-time assessments capability enables your internal security analysts and senior leadership to expedite the credibility of key hires and analyze the facts behind key Corporate decisions.

Automated analysis leads to a faster and more comprehensive understanding of the credibility of the individuals and data supporting a decision, enabling you avoid the negative effects earlier, when they have little to no impact on operations, stockholder perceptions, or other value drivers.

Insider Security / Operational Threats

Internal threats on all businesses are becoming more frequent, targeted, and sometimes severe. Arche AI can help security and operations teams detect early indications of employee deception and malfeasance which are the foundation from which insider threats flow out of.

These threats can be physical threats or threats to your IP, corporate governance and even your corporate brand. When there are concerns Arche AI can analyze historical and emerging data providing the context needed for decision-makers to act fast and with confidence to avoid these threats.

Arche AI was used to analyze the Adam Neumann’s (CEO WeWork) TechCrunch Disrupt 2017 Interview 3 months before Softbank’s $4.4B investment; enough time to request additional due diligence data and investigate any ongoing inconsistencies.

Fortune, Jessica Mathews (Oct 21. 2021). As WeWork goes public, ex-CEO Adam Neumann celebrates as his net worth rises to $2.3 billion

Interview Analysis conducted on Joh Sheerver’s 2014 TechCruch Disrupt with Elizabeth Holms in which they conducted a live blood draw and technology demonstration.

Quantifying Disinformation and Misinformation

Arche AI uncovers false narratives by detecting and rating disputed information based upon a deep learning analysis of audio. Our analysis can be done on real-time developing or archival data to develop both a short-term tactical view and a long-term strategic understanding of a situation.

Our platform can quantify the disinformation/misinformation in a room of speakers, uniquely identify the individual speakers and provide feedback for you to understand its provenance and evaluate its accuracy. This is a powerful tool that with context provides an early warning and a means to monitor the information space avoiding risk or enabling early corrections

ARCHE AI was founded, in 2022, as a SaaS Deep Learning (DL) Company that believes that Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence processes that are co-developed with input from more informed feature spaces outperform DL/AI solutions developed with a broader input feature space.

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